Episode 2 of my test podcast. Topics suggested by my friends on the backtoblading.slack.com group. I answer thee, these questions 3.
Jeremy asked:
“Navigating skating during the winter?”
“Learning new tricks from crowd-sourced places vs. just plain old inspiration?”
Stu asked:
“You said recently that you do some tricks better now than before, whether that’s because of participation/encouragement or the pressure of being on film? Be an interesting topic to explore anyway.”
Ghislain asked:
“Do you find skating alone as a struggle / opportunity? and how does this motivate you to progress and push boundaries?”
“You said some time ago that you needed to have a skate with 4 wheels, because it was meant to be with 4 wheels, does this play tricks on your mind, have you tried freestyle but when straight back to 4 wheels?”
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