Lacey Baker just put out a great part on Thrasher. I was so hyped on her kickflips I put pen to paper or, um, Apple Pencil to iPad. I didn't quite get her likeness right but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out for a quick little drawing.
I swing back and forth on drawing skateboarding stuff. On one hand it's really fun, plus I know enough of the nerdery to get the details right. On the other, I'm totally aware that there's the risk of becoming an uncool fan-art machine and ostracising myself from the entire industry (that I've never worked in but might like to one day).
Anyway, watch Lacey's part. She's great.
BTW if you follow skateboarding, Chris Roberts' The Nine Club is probably the best skate podcast at the moment. For such a creative, picky bunch, you think there'd be more skater-run audio out there that wasn't totally unlistenable. Good on C-Rob for raising the standard. Good guests too.