Recently I've been trying to clean out my hard drive a little, deleting all the junk that builds up over time. iPhoto is one of the worst offenders. Because it just magically sucks all the photos from a camera, arranges them nicely and is generally headache-free, I never, ever delete anything. Pure black photo from when my camera went off in my bag? What the hell, keep it. Blurry photo of the carpet? Yes please! Back of a complete stranger's head? Don't mind if I do. Well, no more. I've been sorting through it, trying to delete all the garbage.
One thing I've found, which I'd totally forgotten about, is a few stop-motion animation sequences. I guess there's been occasions over the past couple of years where I've felt the urge to take a bunch of snaps with the intention of slapping them together later. So, as part of my clearout, I chucked them into an editing program and slapped a bit of music over the top.
I know the end result isn't exactly mind blowing but, for me at least, it's quite a nostalgic little video. Maybe stop-motion does that to everything, gives it that Wonder Years, old-home-movies kinda feel. I dunno. It's nice anyway. Nice to see these fairly boring pictures from days I'd forgotten about come back to life. The music, once again is from the album John's ABC by the Fence Collective.