
Welcome to the Slack Skate League, a rollerblading game on the internet


This is a points-based game of skate, similar to HORSE in basketball, but instead of getting letters and then exiting the game when you're out; this is a rolling game where accumulating the most points per quarter will determine the winner. There are no prizes to be awarded, only sweet, sweet bragging rights over the rest of the players.

You must register via the entry form below to play.

Trick 12: Truespin Mizou

Deadline: 23:59, Sunday 13th December 2020

Submit your truespin mizou clip via the button below. We’ll post it on the SSL Instagram and you’ll receive 1 point.

The 12th trick is a truespin mizou set by @craigspaven.

Stipulations: Do whatever you want with it as long as it involves a truespin mizou. Full cab in and out if you want, spin whichever way out or come out fakie. No switch ups though.


All sets and entries are posted to the @slackskateleague Instagram account. It’s the best place to keep up with the game.

Join the Game

If you're on the Back to Blading Slack, you're eligible to join the game. However, you will be starting at 0 points and will need to catch up until the next round of the game has started.

Entry form

Information & Rules

In a nutshell:

• Be on
• Sign up to the game
• Be creative
• Be cool
• Have fun



Tricks are announced on Monday mornings via the @slackskateleague Instagram page. Players have until the subsequent Sunday evening to match the trick. Successfully matching a trick gains you 1 point. Players sign up via the entry form above.

Matching a trick

Matching a trick earns you 1 point. You do not have to attempt to match every trick and there is no penalty for missing a week.

To truly play in the spirit of the game, try to match the setter’s obstacle as closely as possible. In reality, judging is extremely lenient and, for the most part, a grind is a grind and an air is an air. If all you have is a curb, go for it.

Important guidelines:

  • You clips will only be uploaded / scored if you have registered and are a member of the Back to Blading Slack group.

  • Music and action replays are rarely warranted.

  • Try to use restraint when it comes to slowmo. It’s good when you need some clarity and less good when you want to show off your steezy landing.

  • Adding some personality is all good but please do try to match the trick as-is. Don’t add extra spins. Superfluous showing off will be cut.

We often discuss the rules and share clips in the #slackskateleague channel on the Slack. If you have a question, a suggestion or want to check if something ‘counts’, please join the conversation. The game is primarily for active members of the Slack.

Setting a Trick

To set a trick for others to attempt, film your clip and upload it here.

Your clip will be added to the pile and one will be selected at random each Monday morning as that week’s trick. If your trick is picked, you receive a point (and a week off!).

  • You can submit a set at any time.

  • If you upload more than one clip, only the most recent will be added to the pile.

  • You do not have to submit a trick to play.

  • Please use the same name you put on the entry form so it's easy for me to match a clip to a player.

  • You do not have to submit a trick to play.

  • If your trick is picked, you are eligible to submit again after 4 weeks.

  • If possible, please try record / submit new tricks (starting NOW) rather than using old footage, only because it helps with the feeling that we're all playing the same game at the same time.

You can submit any ‘trick’ you like, but please keep in mind the wide range of abilities and potential terrain limitations of other players. Fun, inclusiveness and creativity should take priority over difficulty. To keep things simple, we’re not specifying switch tricks.

Most players will be self-filming. Try to avoid setting anything that will be difficult to film with a static camera.

Previous tricks

Trick 12: Truespin Mizou

Set by @craigspaven.

Trick 11: power slide 180 rewinD

Set by art0nblades.

Trick 10: Topside Mistrial 180

Set by @t_free__.

Trick 09: AO Soul 360

Set by @_dadwheels

Trick 08: X to Fakie

Set by @thaigrrrr7.

Trick 07: Toes Pivot Fakie Toes

Set by @angie.vdiego.

Trick 06: True Soul Slide

Set by @martijngelissen.

Trick 05: Roll up, Zero Mizou Down

Set by @eeluujamaa.

Trick 04: Backside Stall 180 out

Set by @ __dominiks_

Trick 03: Medspin to drop Makio Tap

Set by @_dadwheels

Trick 02: Topside Training Wheel

Set by @bswen719.

Trick 01: Mono

Set by @safetygrab.



I’m doing this for fun, but if you really wanna say thanks for running the game, you can:

Visit my Patreon
Buy me a virtual coffee